Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Care to criticise? (part 8 - credit cards)?

credit cards, america. as we all know it debt forces us to dig our own grave so that out children inherit out debt after we%26#039;re dead.

the best advice (this is two-faced) i could give is too never get one in the first place. naturally temtation forces us too get one and you get cog-blocked into getting one when something you want or need requires one. naturally with the swipe of the card you balance can be paid off and the debt is on the card to be paid later. now since i%26#039;m a low rolller (petty cash) hustler i know what i%26#039;m getting myself into before i do it. america if your smart and you get a 10,000 credit limit i recommend you not take it but if your a risk taker use that 10,000 before the due date (this means you have to work/ hustle everyday) to pay the money back and keep all that you made for yourself. debt collectors call at all hours of the night to threatin you with death if you don%26#039;t give them their money yet you still get more credit card applications. pay bills and retire

Care to criticise? (part 8 - credit cards)?

My advice is to avoid credit card usage as a whole. Most people are tempted by them because they can instantly buy something that they want. Where if they had cash they would have to wait until they could afford it. If you are careful with money and you know that you can be sensible then maybe getting a credit card might be okay. Especially if you only use it in cases of emergencies.

Care to criticise? (part 8 - credit cards)?

Our children will not inherit our credit card debt. I agree however that we should try to pay as we go.

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