Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Collection agency calls?

I was contacted by a collector attempting to collect credit card debt from ex-husband. Have been divorced for 9 years but they say I am still on the card and therefore still responsible. Had no knowledge of this or when debt occurred. Have received nothing in writing. Was able to obtain mortgage and other credit on my own. They wanted me to take care of balance at a reduced rate told them it was not my debt. They have continued to call and I have not answered. They somehow reached me at work yesterday wanting to discuss how I was going to handle this, told them again it was not my debt. They have purchased the debt from another agency not the credit card company. They said divorce settlement on division of debt does not apply. I had no knowledge that I had any joint accounts with ex. Should I contact an attorney or wait to see what there next move might be?

Collection agency calls?

I%26#039;m not sure what state you are in but send them a certified letter to tell them not to call you again.

If they do call you after the letter, you can sue them.

The letter is called a cease %26amp; Desist, you can find one free online to print.

They can still send you letters though

Collection agency calls?

First of all they cfan not contact you at work if you ask them not to, it%26#039;s against the law Plus if the accounts occured after your divorce there is no way you can be responsible for the debt, find out exactly WHEN the cards where issued and then try to remember if you authorized it or if you were still married and thenh point it out to them, tell them it must be treated as a fraudulent charge (if it happened after your divorce) and don%26#039;t agree to pay anything, sometimes this people make stuff up just to get you to pay.

Collection agency calls?

While debt collection is legal, some of these companies are bottom feeders.

They buy $100 of stale debt for 25cents and start calling anyone remotely connected with the debt demanding payment. The worst ones do not know or care if the debt *was* paid, was discharged in bankruptcy or settled, was somebody else%26#039;s debt to begin with...or even if it%26#039;s past the statute of limitations. All they care is you pay them anything. The people calling you work on commission. If they lie and get you to pay $500, that%26#039;s $250 in commission to them.

Use the internet to find out the statute in your state. Tell these jokers that they need to send you the data in writing so you can validate it and if it%26#039;s bogus you are disputing it. Be ready to contact the attorney general in your state.

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