Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Money question...?

I know this sounds like a CRAZY question.

My husband and I currently have about $2,800 in credit card debt. We are also expecting our first child at the end of January %26#039;08.

Has anyone else out there gone into first time parent hood with credit card debt?

If so, was your debt like mine? Or worse? Or better?

We only pay about $200 a month to it and I know, with a baby in our lives, that may be less... but I guess I just needed a pep talk. We are working hard at paying it off and saving money at the same time, but.... I feel like I should be debt free when the baby arrives and that%26#039;s not going to happen!!!!

Thanks guys :)

Money question...?

Much, MUCH worse. #3 on the way now and EVEN worse than the first. Over $10K and no home owned.

Money question...?

Real world. No one is debt free. Consider yourself lucky for only having that small of debt

Money question...?

We have quite a bit of debt and are having a baby.

Money question...?

hun, that%26#039;s nothing!!

my husband %26amp; i are about $12,000 in debt, with about $8000 of that being credit cards. not to mention, we JUST bought a house a few weeks before we found out we%26#039;ll have a baby in Feb, so add another $150,000 onto that!!

it%26#039;s a budget crunch, but we%26#039;ve cut everything we can (no cable, internet, home phone, eating out, etc) and we are only getting what we NEED for the baby.

Money question...?

You%26#039;re a lot better off then most are. But our debt was 3x that and our 2 year old is living a very good life. There are no worries.

Money question...?

My sister has about $5000 of credit card debt, with a 3 year old and fraternal 10mo old twins. Get credit counseling. She had to move back home with her brood in order to afford just living and to pay the minimum balance on her credit card debt.

Money question...?

Debt is a normal thing....most people wouldnt have anything without debt.....that%26#039;s not very much at all I think you will be ok....No worries......We werent debt free when we had our daughter.....she was due in Dec. born in Nov. and we used our credit card to purchase all of the christmas presents...we both have big families.......we had around $2000 or so but we paid it off and everything worked out ok....

Money question...?

My husband and I have been paying off our debt for 3 years (we had a lot). We have a 2 1/2 year old and one on the way. We make it work. Are you sure you%26#039;re not just bragging about how little your debt is?

Money question...?

Oh hell yes. I%26#039;m $15,000 in debt and $13,000 of that is from a prior medical surgery that I could NOT go without! (I had severe gallstones) And at the time I had insurance. My son was just born 13 weeks ago. You%26#039;ll get through it...everyone always does. Just keep paying and love that little new baby!

Money question...?

I%26#039;m on baby #4 and in debt about 鎷?5,000 which is about half that in $ its life we all have some debt i manage but moneys tight

i bet everyone has some debt to worry about

Money question...?

You%26#039;re obviously nesting...most women feel a sudden urge to get everything in their lives taken care of right before they have their baby. I work for a financial advisor, and I know that $2,800 in credit card debt is a small amount compaired to what I%26#039;ve seen. You actually may want to consider finding a financial advisor in your area. They ussualy offer free planning and can offer you products to help you save money for the future. Plus, an advisor would be able to look at your finances and decide if you even need to be concerned with being debt free. Try the phone book or Google some advisors in your area!

Money question...?

I had alot more debt that that when i found out i was pregnant and also a $120 cellphone bill....along with some collections bills. I did as much as possible to correct/pay as much as i could before baby got here. I got rid of the cell phone contract because it was expensive and i knew i would need that money later...paid off the collections bills with income tax money...etc....i%26#039;m not debt free but i certainly have alot less to pay for.....ITS A VERY GOOD THING TO WORK ON DEBTS WHILE ITS STILL JUST YOU AND YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER....Congrats

Money question...?

I am in a similar boat...my individual debt is something I dont get into a lot with my fiance and he has his, so i would say we top you. this is baby numero dos for us, and while we have decent income, we have little left over to pay off our debt. Trust me, we all need a pep talk in that area... Most of us have debt, and most of us come out ok with it...This baby will be worth every point off of your credit score. trust me!! Smile, and remember that God never gives us anything we cant handle!! Good luck!!!

Money question...?

Ugh. that%26#039;s not bad, babe.

My husband and I are due in April.

We have a 7500 car loan, and about 10000 in credit card debt we want to pay off.

WE wanted to be paid off on everything b4 we had a child, but this one surprised us.

Surprise, BABY!!!

So, you just have to set up a game plan and do the best you can.

We are going to try to pay the car off by Dec., then as much of the other debt as possible.

If we can do it, you can!

Good Luck. Baby steps to paying it off!

Money question...?

Your debt is not crazy out of control, but you should stay focused and pay it off as soon as you can. With a baby on the way it will be way too easy and tempting to add to that debt. Keep on a strict payment plan, don%26#039;t spend more money than you take in (beyond your means) and start saving so you don%26#039;t fall into this trap again. The average credit card debt in the U.S. is around $8,000 but that does not make it okay. Check out some personal finance books to help get you back on track.

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