Saturday, July 11, 2009

Garnishment of salary - how and when is it done by creditors?

Lets say you have outstanding credit card debt from 2 years ago with 5 credit cards companies, amounting to over 10,000$.

Now those debts are all in collections agencies, and theyve been hounding you with calls ever since.

you havent paid a penny to them..

when and how, do these agencies start to garnish your salary?

how do they even find out you have a job? please explain this process, thanks.

Garnishment of salary - how and when is it done by creditors?

they have to go to court and get a court order to garnish your wages. Then your bos is required to comply.

Your emplyment is public record- as far as I know.

Garnishment of salary - how and when is it done by creditors?

As soon as you start receiving summons to go to court is when they will start to garnish. And you don%26#039;t show up to court then they will put in a judgment in your absence to garnish. Don%26#039;t let it get out of control. Try to make payment arrangements when you can.

Garnishment of salary - how and when is it done by creditors?

Your creditors probably have your Social Security number on file. When you get a job, you are required to pay FICA taxes to the federal government. These taxes go into the Social Security pool. When you retire or if you receive an injury that prevents you from working you cna collect on your social security benefits.

So, there is a history of your employment.

If a creditor is owed enough money for them to justify seeking it by garnishing your wages, they can go to court and get a court order to garnish your wages. They supply your employer with that order, and your employer must garnish your wages. The amount of the garnishment depend upon the court order. There is a limit on the amount that can be garnished, but I doubt that you%26#039;ll hit it with 5 creditors. Then again, I%26#039;m pretty sure that it varies from state to state.

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