Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's my business and problem right?

My mom called my boyfriend of 8 mnths ranting over a cell phone I asked for her to buy when my razor went out the other day. I promised 2 pay her back. Unfortunately I never hav money for emergencies bc my freshman and soph yr I got into credit card debt bc I barely recieved financial aid and I used my card to buy groceries, gas, and on doctor bills I occurred. My debt kept building for 2 yrs. I%26#039;m a full time student on scholarship now thanks to my grades. My problem is my mom told my boyfriend about my debt and even insuated i incurred by debt wining and dining an ex(which didn%26#039;t happen). Now he is mad at me saying I should have never had 2 cards. Is it any of his concern? And should she have told? Also how can I get out of the debt? It%26#039;s about 3,000 and I don%26#039;t work bc my mom doesn%26#039;t want me to while I%26#039;m in school

It%26#039;s my business and problem right?

If your mama wants to run your life then tell her to pay your bills.If she dont agree then tell her to back off,in a loving way,of course.

Now,You%26#039;re a grown *** woman,this hole you are in dont sound so deep that You cant put Your smarts to use and dig Your self out.And in the meantime gain some well deserved respect from Moms.

You go girl,You can do it,God bless.

It%26#039;s my business and problem right?

lol i like your avatar.

It%26#039;s my business and problem right?

no, it%26#039;s none of his business, unless y%26#039;all are engaged, then hee has a right to know what he is getting into.

And it%26#039;s none of your mom%26#039;s business either, and she shouldn%26#039;t have told him.

It%26#039;s my business and problem right?

wow, this is a real brain teaser.

It%26#039;s my business and problem right?

First, if you are truly a college student, you should take remedial spelling.

Second, you can get out of debt like the rest of us...get a job and pay your bills.

Listen to your boyfriend....he is smart.

Do you really need an expensive phone?

You sound like a spoiled little baby to me.

Sorry, but I call em like I see %26#039;em.

It%26#039;s my business and problem right?

Get a job!

You don%26#039;t want your mother nosing in but because she doesn%26#039;t want you to work you don%26#039;t?


It%26#039;s my business and problem right?

well, in order to pay for the debt you are going to have to get some type of job.. part time so that you are not asking mom for money every time you need it.. You now have a scholarship and that is taking care of the now but if she can help you she does need to stay out of your business... As for your boyfriend, sorry, but that man need to go... If he doesn%26#039;t understand or want to understand then he needs to get on with his life... What happened in the past is past one needs to move on... You%26#039;ve realized the mistake and are paying for it every day...

Good luck

It%26#039;s my business and problem right?

You were adult enough to get the credit cards, so you%26#039;re adult enough to work for the money to pay off the credit cards. How else are those debts going to be paid? If you allow you mom to pay them then yes, she has a right to b*tch about it. If you feel it is your problem and not your mothers then you need to step up and take responsibility for it. Once you do that I%26#039;ll agree that it%26#039;s your %26#039;business%26#039; and yours alone.

By the way, colleges have plenty of on campus jobs. This is probably a pretty good option for you, as they%26#039;ll work around your school schedule.

It%26#039;s my business and problem right?

Are you current on paying the CC bills or are you behind?

There are settlement companies which could help you, however your debt is very small comparatively and the fees to do such would outweigh the benefit.

You can contact your CC company and attempt to reduce the payments. It will require closing the account, but under federal law if you close it, you are allowed 60 months to have it paid back and often times they will allow you to pay less than the full balance as long as you are making some sort of payment. Again, it would require closing the account.

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