Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My mom passed away. Who is responsible for her debt?

She left about 15,000 in debt from two credit cards. Both of the credit cards are in Mom%26#039;s name and Dad did not know anything about them. Is he responsible for the debt? Thanks for your responce.

My mom passed away. Who is responsible for her debt?

no i believe its gonna be under her childrens name and umm actually since your dad is still around maybe under his name

My mom passed away. Who is responsible for her debt?

This is an interesting question. If the credit cards are in your mom%26#039;s name only, there should be insurance on the cards that will cover the debt but only if she took out that specific insurance.

I would consult a lawyer to be sure. If not then as sad as this is to say, you dad may be responsible.

My mom passed away. Who is responsible for her debt?

if he didnt no nothin about the debt, why shud he have to pay it back.

if someone passes away why shud the other person pay it off

My mom passed away. Who is responsible for her debt?

my wife died 3 years ago and i had to take on her debt after trying to inform ppl she had died they simply told me it was now my responsability sucks man

sorry to hear about your loss stay strong

My mom passed away. Who is responsible for her debt?

Usually her estate. Any super or insurance payout pays for her debts.

My mom passed away. Who is responsible for her debt?

Usually her estate. But remember that technically she had ownership of half any property or chattels that your parents owned. This would constititute her estate. So, before it can pass to your father or anyone else named in her will, claims on the estate have to be handled first. Therefore, technically, the money comes from her estate, although many would feel that it belonged now to your father

My mom passed away. Who is responsible for her debt?

Hi Honey, sorry about your Mum. First and foremost you cannot inherit someone%26#039;s debt, so unless your Dad%26#039;s name is on the account or he acted as Guarantor he is not liable, however the debt can be claimed against her estate. Hope this helps x

My mom passed away. Who is responsible for her debt?

It will depend on whether they live in a community property state and whether your father is a party to the accounts.

My mom passed away. Who is responsible for her debt?

NO.. unless your mom and dad lived in a community property state and the debts were taken out while they were both married.. There are only 9 states where he would be responsible but I don%26#039;t know state you are living in so you can google those 9 states and find out. If he is not in one of those states and debts were not taken out while they were married then simply have him send the credit card companies a copy of her death certificate and tell them no assets and sorry. If your moms name is on a house title then I would first have him do a quick claim and get her name off of house B4 you let credit card companies know.. Also I am sorry about the loss of your beloved mom

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