Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Should I file bankruptcy?

I have about 10,000 - 12,000 dollars in debt. Mostly credit card debt. I dont have anything I%26#039;d lose if I did file except a washer.

I am being screwed over by credit card companies so I can never get my debt paid off. They keep changing minimum due dates on me and charge me late fees if I pay my bill a day early or one day late.

Their also uping my interest rate everytime I pay my bill late. I cannot get around that either as they keep changing due dates on me.

I really dont want to lose my washer. This concerns me if I file bankruptcy.

Furthermore, will this affect my future wife and us possibly getting a home?

Should I file bankruptcy?

A bankrupcy attorney will tell you that you should. What they wont tell you is that 90% of people who do didn%26#039;t have to. Most anybody who has filed bankruptcy will say Please Noooo!

There is a man named Dave Ramsey who deals with people in your very situation. He has something called a %26quot;Debt Snowball%26quot;. Here%26#039;s how it works: List all of your debts on paper from smallest to largest (notice that it%26#039;s not from largest intrest rate to smallest). Then you pay only minimum payments to all of your debts every month except for the smallest. The smallest debt gets all of your leftover money for each month untill you pay it off.

This gives you a sense of accomplishment once you%26#039;ve paid off that smallest debt. It also gives you MORE money to attack the next debt with.

Please read %26quot;Total Money Makeover%26quot; by Dave Ramsey. He also has a radio show that comes on every weekday. I don%26#039;t even know you, but I would hate for you to go bankrupt. Getting out of debt takes a long time, but so does recovering from bankruptcy.

Should I file bankruptcy?

oh yyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Should I file bankruptcy?

You need to wake up and smell the coffee. The world is not going to conform to your credit values. You are the one who must conform if credit is ever to be yours again.

Filing bankruptcy did at one time get you off the hook with credit card companies. But no more. It might give you some relief, but if you think the payments will end, you have a big surprise waiting for you.

If your future wife has great credit and good income, then a house should be available to her. If not, you%26#039;re totally screwed

I perhaps could have tried to soften this more with prettier words. But pretty or not, this message is exactly what you need to straighten out if, by chance, that%26#039;s even possible.

Should I file bankruptcy?

So you don%26#039;t want to lose your washer. That should be the last of your worries. I%26#039;m sure that a $400 dollar washer is not exactly gonna go a long way to help you clear your debts.

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