Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Should I file for bancruptcy?

I am 39 years old, single,no kids %26amp; just got out a mortgage with my long term girlfriend..she bought me profit was $3600.oo. I am in so much credit card debt, about 44000.00 %26amp; I make about 50000.00 to 55000.00 a year.I pay all of my bills on time, but more often than not just the minimum payment due.I lost my girlfriend, house %26amp; I had to borrow $300.00 from my credit cards just to make my rent. I have been seiing a therapist for over 2 months but we finally had a breakthrough....I will be forever stuck with this debt unless I do something about it now! It%26#039;s only going to contribute to my unhappiness, depression %26amp; half of my paycheck everyweek going towards my credit card debt.! I never did consider bancruptcy, because I wanted the best credit score possible.My score is now 676 and only because of high credit card/ revolving accounts...My therapist recommends looking up a local attorney %26amp; seeing what options are available. I have a good union job, but is seasonal

Should I file for bancruptcy?

I advise against hiring an attorney at this time. While bankruptcy can be useful, it does not appear that you require it right now. You have not exhausted all of your solutions and there are always solutions.

What you have going for you is pretty good credit and a job. You%26#039;re also relatively young and can dig yourself out in a few years. Clearly, the first step is to find what work you can secure in the down season. If you are able to find a family member or friend to help you out, have them co-sign a personal loan from a credit union. The monthly interest savings alone will be immense. Refinance your vehicle if you are able. It will help lower your monthly obligation. If you paid it off, sell it and get a cheaper one.

There is no magic solution. Make more, spend less, cut costs, utilize friends and family and chip away at that debt. Have hope. Bankruptcy will ruin your credit for a long time and you still have to pay off most of your credit card debt.

There are many ways to make and save money, but people don%26#039;t always think of them or want to do it. For instance, how does those coupon clipping people save $800/mo on groceries for a family of five and a dog? That%26#039;s like earning $10k/yr or $15k gross. I assure you it%26#039;s legit. I, myself, save about $100-$200/mo and I could save more if I put more time into it.

Should I file for bancruptcy?

You know this really sounds like a difficult situation that you are in. Try to stear yourself away from bancruptcy! please? You know, you may have got out of a relationship, and think of this as a time to start over. If you have to work hard, then work hard. Quit the seasonal job and get a real job, and work it full time, and how bought maybe a side second job as well? It will make a big difference in what you owe, and you wont kill your good credit score. Just push youself, and you will see more success.

ps- dont give up! :)

Should I file for bancruptcy?

I personally think that you should declare bankruptcy. It is not the end of the world. Your credit will be hurt for a few years but who really cares unless you plan on buying a house or a car etc. As long as you are content financially not using credit, i dont see a problem. I think starting over will definetly make you happier.. 44k of debt ouch. i am hurting like crazy with only 15k cc debt and i make around the same as you per year. start over.. be happy and dont make the same mistakes again.

Should I file for bancruptcy?

I think you%26#039;ll be better off not declaring BK. In your offseason there are many jobs you can try to get that will pay well enough to help cut down those CC bills. Try to knock out the small ones first.

You could drive Limo on Fri/Sat nights, or deliver pizzas or see about driving a tow truck/snow plow.

I don%26#039;t know a debt counseling service but perhaps your city/county could recommend one.

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