Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How to stimulate the economy?

I know most won%26#039;t agree, but i think they should pay off everyones credit card debt with an intrest rate over 9%. Put a cap on it at that rate, and you either qualify for credit or you don%26#039;t. I know there are a lot of hard working families that are struggling to pay off there debt that will take any money given to them and put it towards there credit card balances. It will help the big banks cut there losses during this slow down. I know i%26#039;m putting every extra cent i get toward my debts,

How to stimulate the economy?

Stop playing the exploiting games! The legal citizens of USA should wise-up and take Rule %26amp; control over their money %26amp; Gov%26#039;t in a shared effort with equal access! CLUE you will NEVER get it under Republic of/by/for the Fascist Few!!! %26gt;%26gt; http://www.oldamericancentury.org/14pts.... A true direct consensus democracy plus allowing all people to share in profit margins instead of the Few who cherry pick those that get to earn! You ask how to stimulate the economy well the Fascist Few get money printed %26amp; distributed to their delight under congressional terms, We the people can do the same except don%26#039;t hand it out the the wealthy, do the the opposite trickle-up economics!

How to stimulate the economy?

Jobs and giving the working man his entire paycheck stimulate the economy. And the %26#039;they%26#039; that you are saying should pay off everyones credit card balances is the government who would simply take the money form taxes, which would come out of the working mans paycheck.

Do you see the cycle?

How to stimulate the economy?

we should do what every other nation in the world does - protect our industries.

we have on the books, today, INSANE trade policies that don%26#039;t benefit anyone that is not a lobbyist for a foreign corporation or a foreign corporation.

the best thing we can do for the economy is to get rid of the professional politicians who have NEVER had our best interests at heart.

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