Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How many civil judgments do you have against you? Is three the maximum allowed before further legal

A friend asked if I could loan him money to pay a debt. He currently has two civil judgments against him for credit card debt, and states more than 3 civil judgments for credit card debt, could cause further legal action.

I didn%26#039;t ask him to elaborate, but does anyone know what he meant? What happens after someone receives more than three judgments? Do they go to jail? What is the maximum number of judgments you%26#039;ve heard of someone having against them? This friend became very ill a few years ago, and maxed out his credit cards to pay for medication at that time. Thanks

How many civil judgments do you have against you? Is three the maximum allowed before further legal action?

It sounds like your friend is in debt very deep. Loaning money to your friend is throwing away your money. Federal law

clearly defines the rules that a collection agency must follow.

However, 99% of collection agencies violate the law hundreds of times daily because they can get away with it. A person in debt needs to think clearly. First he must take care of himself,

providing food, clothing and transportation. If he has any money left after that he can talk to creditors and make them an offer. Collection agencies have found that if you put

enough pressure on a person they will quickly pay up to

avoid being contacted again. This is a mind game.

They come on so heavy that people have gone without

food for days or not sent in the house payment to pay

a credit card debt. Thus they lose the house because they

were emotionally harrassed into making a foolish decision.

For much more information check out www.daveramsey.com Best regards!

How many civil judgments do you have against you? Is three the maximum allowed before further legal action?

I think the dude is trying to dupe you into giving him money.No nothing more can happen to anyone if they have more then 3 judgments. There isn%26#039;t a debtors jail anymore. His best bet is to file for bankruptcy if he is that ill and it is credit card debt like you say.

How many civil judgments do you have against you? Is three the maximum allowed before further legal action?

0 and i have seen credit reports with a half dozen

How many civil judgments do you have against you? Is three the maximum allowed before further legal action?

check www.findlaw.com...don;t help that friend out--your co-signing his troubles,and yes,,you would be taking on his debt--friend needs to row hjis own boat

How many civil judgments do you have against you? Is three the maximum allowed before further legal action?

You tell that lawyer that the FTC does not recognize debt buyers as the original creditor and if he threatens to file suit again he is in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Debt Buyers have to abide by the FDCPA and so do lawyers when they make attempts to collect a debt outside of filing suit. http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2006/12/camco.htm

There is no limit to judgments - and if your friends financial future looks unpromising then consider bankruptcy and wipe those judgments away.

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