Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Here%26#039;s the situation...my husband is selling a car and my brother in law wants to buy it...my husband agreed and now we are waiting for my brother in law to finalize w/ the bank.

The problem is that in the meantime we have been offered $2,500 more for the vehicle by another buyer.

I want to take the second offer. My husband and I have two young children and a very tight monthly budget and are really struggling with credit card debt we have been trying very hard to pay off. By selling to the second buyer we could almost completely pay off the credit card debt and make daily life a little easier for us. My brother in law is in the same situation: one kid, very tight monthly budget, struggling to make it. He really should not be adding a car payment to his monthly bills, he probably really can%26#039;t afford it. (he always is borrowing and paying back family members)

My husband wants the xtra money as well but is afraid his family will hate him if he doesn%26#039;t sell it to his brother. WTD?

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Your not just being greedy, your being dirty greedy!

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

It was promised to brother in law, it should go to him.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

sell it to the other buyer, you need it! good luck!

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Put yourself in your brother-in-law%26#039;s shoes for a few moment, how would you feel if he were to do that to you? Wouldn%26#039;t that distance your relationship?

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Give your brother in law the right of first refusal. In other words, tell him you%26#039;re selling the car and at what price, but he can buy it at that price if he wants.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Family first.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

You%26#039;ve already committed to your brother in law and he%26#039;s already in the process of getting the loan. It would be extremely unethical to sell it out from under him now. If he doesn%26#039;t get the loan then you%26#039;ve got free reign to sell it to the other buyer, otherwise, sell it to your brother for the agreed upon price out of the generosity of your heart. It%26#039;s just the right thing to do, even if the other situation would be better financially.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

You really should put blood first.

You could be in the same situation a few years down the road and he could be there to help you out.

Plus you committed to your brother in law first. You can%26#039;t go back on your word now.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Go with the second offer and just tell him the truth its better that way you got a better offer and tell him you will help him find another. Talk to your sister and explain it to her. if he gets mad he gets mad you really sound like your looking out for the interst of you both,. if they cant afford it and you cant then yes take the other offer. Do what you think is right

he could use the loan to get another car. but you need to talk now before it goes to far.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?


Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Take care of you and your family before worring about others problems..... would be nice to help him im sure.... however im sure it would be nice to help you your husband and kids first......

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

That would be the meanest thing in the world if you pulled this out from under your brother in law. DO NOT do that.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

sit down with B-I-L and say hey man, we got this nice offer and we need to know if you still want the car or should we take the other offer? You need to give him an opportunity for the car first since you already agreed to sell to him.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

give the brother in law a time like say the end of the week if u cant give u the money move on to the 2nd person, but if he gets u the money u need to sell to him, u made the deal

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Have your husband sit down and explain it to his brother the financial situation that you all are in and that it wold be like taking food out of his kids mouth not to sell it to the buyer who is offering 2,500 more. I think he will understand and identify with him if he is in the same situation.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

idk sell to the highest bidder

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

give presention.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

It is always about family, never turnm your back on them I would loose 2500.00 it it was ment for a family member. In some way you will be payed back, you may need a new kidney some day and your bIL is a match and out of spite he will sell it to someone else for more money.....CARMA%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Tricky situation but first off talk to the brother in law, explain the situation and how it would benefit your family to have that extra money as things are tight. Give him the chance to state his side of it and maybe offer you a little more to make up some of that difference. If he just gets huffy and upset then tell him you need to do what is best for your family 1st then other family 2nd...no your not being greedy the money is going to help you guys financially pay off debt so that is just common sense. If you decide to sell to the other guy your husbands family will get over it, if they don%26#039;t understand you two need the money then they are not a very understanding family.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Does your brother in law really need the car? I mean if he doen%26#039;t have one or whatever, maybe talk it over with him and your husband and see if you can work something out, maybe he can pay a bit more money. If not just let him know your situation and take the other offer. My advice though, don%26#039;t sell things to family. It usually ends up in drama.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Your B-I-L already is supposed to get the car, so you should go through with it and not back out. Maybe he won%26#039;t be able to get the financing, or you guys can give him a deadline to obtain financing by?? It might just all work out on it%26#039;s own, and you can sell it to the higher payer then. But I do think you should honor your word first, you can always cross your fingers that it doesn%26#039;t work out for him.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Here%26#039;s my thought, Does he need the car. Cause if need versus want then I would sell it to your brother-n-law. If not then if he just want%26#039;s it for whatever reason then. I would just say You got a better offer and sell it to the outside person. Of course I would point out to your brother-n-law that maybe it would be to much of a burden to buy this car at this time. Say your probably doing him a favor and tell him the car needs work. Hope everything works out for you. good luck.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

My brother in law is in the same situation: one kid, very tight monthly budget, struggling to make it. He really should not be adding a car payment to his monthly bills, he probably really can%26#039;t afford it. (he always is borrowing and paying back family members)

That part is you rationalizing.

Here is your solution. Go to your b-n-l and say hey sorry but we got an offer for more money. Were sorry heres 500$ for the trouble you went through in talking to the bank, etc. You guys make 2000$ more than you would have, he gets 500$ free to put down on another car.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Sell it to your BIL, it sounds like he needs it. You already promised him the car and it%26#039;s not cool to pull out of a deal that%26#039;s already been made. It sucks that you didn%26#039;t wait for other offers, but it%26#039;s a little too late to just pull back and take more money.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

sell it to your brother in law. you can%26#039;t take back an offer. if you know he is in the same boat then why not help him out by letting him buy a car at apparently a good deal? and for your opinion of him not needing to add a car payment to his financial situation, who made you his financial adviser? why is his finances your business? stop being greedy and sell the car to family.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

You should sell it to the higher bid !!

your bro inlaw will get over it.

You guys need to look out for your family unit and not have to worry about selling it to your hubbys bro jut b/c he is extended family.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Well in this instance i think you and your husband should go with your gut feeling and sell to the person who is offering the most. Lets face it $2,500 is not exactly a small amount, if you really need the money, like it might clear one of the debts then yes you should go for it. The family wont hate you if you explain (if they wonder why you did it) and maybe you might be doing your brother in law a favor by not selling it to him. :O) Plus he%26#039;ll get over it and and the end of the day it wont get him further in debt!


Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Oh you poor thing! It would be such a hard choice. I have so many medical bills from my son that I can see where the offer of more money would be so incredibly welcome.

Since your brother in law is in the same boat, perhaps if you explained the situation he would understand? But that would be a perfect world. Not on my life would I be able to try to explain it to my in-laws. They would not even care about my situation...Golly, I am not being much help.

I guess I would attempt explaining it and I would want to take the money. Maybe say if the brother-in-law cannot get the money by a certain date that you will have to give it to the person who has the money now. Good luck!

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

Unfortunately you%26#039;ve already agreed to sell it to your brother-in-law and while an extra $2500 is nice, you%26#039;ve already agreed. See what happens with the bank, but keep your word.

I%26#039;m sorry you%26#039;re in debt, but at this point you need to keep the word. $2500 will make life better for a month, but you%26#039;ll still have the same old habits.

Me Vs. my brother-in-law....am I being greedy?

second offer, go for the second offer.

family is family, and at the end of the day the whole family has to forgive and forget. you guys both need the extra money. and hey maybe when you guys are very stable with money and budgets, you can help him out if finding a maybe even better car offer.

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