Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why does my financial situation seem so hopeless?

My wife and I were married in June.. Our house is only 1000 sq ft and there are four of us living here with no dishwasher and the house needs some repairs. We really need a bigger house but we%26#039;re so poor we can%26#039;t afford what we already have...

Her whole paycheck goes to pay the mortgage and utilities and stuff and we have so much credit card debt that every penny I make goes to make the minimum payments on the cards... I know it%26#039;s dumb to run up the cards, but I have the wedding ring on there and a trip that we took and a bunch of deposits for the wedding reception that we were never able to have because we%26#039;re broke... Plus some money that was on her cards as well...

I don%26#039;t think we can file bankruptcy because since the new bankruptcy law we would only be able to write off about half of our credit card debts and it would be 10 years before we can get a bigger house and it would be hard to get a job and our car insurance would go way up now... I am working so hard and nothing to show

Why does my financial situation seem so hopeless?

sale your compute and get rid of intenet tha get a part time job -- better than spend you time on answers!!!

Why does my financial situation seem so hopeless?

Cut up all the credit cards except for one.

Get a 2nd job.

Do NOT eat out at all (pack you lunch for work everyday)

getting out of debt is hard... better to %26#039;bite the bullet%26#039; now, rather than keep the minimum payments for years... that%26#039;s a hole you%26#039;ll never get out of.

good luck

Why does my financial situation seem so hopeless?

Your in a dilemma like so many others.

Have you any idea as to the amount of homes in the USA that are under foreclosure?

However, you have one great thing that most of the latter do not have.

%26quot;You have a wife and children that all love one another!%26quot;

Try to forget about immediately correcting these insignificant problems of life and focus on living, keeping your wife and family happy and content.

Pay whatever little it takes to keep your head above water, stop buying unnecessary items.

..and above all: PRAY to the LORD for all the great things He has provided; wife and loving family!

God bless.

Why does my financial situation seem so hopeless?

At the risk of pointing out the obvious, the lavish wedding and trip were unnecessary. Nothing wrong with having a judge marry you now, then lavish wedding later. Rings on the credit card? I know there are plain wedding bands out there for $100 a piece at the most. Living out of your means never works out.

How hard are you working? Do you and your wife each have 2 jobs to get out of your rut? Do you still pay for internet and cable when it is not necessary? How about eating out? Have you cut that out of your budget completely? You%26#039;re so far in, you need to make every sacrifice you can think of to dig yourselves out. And there are 4 people in the house? Are two of them kids, or more adults? If bankruptcy is not an option for you, try debt consolidation; however, seems as if you two spend out of control. If you get debt consolidation, have them close your credit cards account.

Why does my financial situation seem so hopeless?

I know it%26#039;s not easy out there but that%26#039;s when you need to realize and understand a different way of thinking. It%26#039;s life and everything really is OK. Keep looking at what you do have. You have a new wife, you have a roof over your head, ( the dishwasher and repairs; that%26#039;s sweating the small stuff) is your house full of love and do you have God in your heart? That%26#039;s all you need. And a lot of patience. This is a learning lesson for you. Stay strong, keep the faith and let God show you that He can take care of you in every area of your life. Ask for guidance and direction and then keep your eyes and ears open. Your situation will improve the more you trust Him to help you through it. This is the only advise I can give you. Stay positive. Positive attracts positive. The more you worry, the more you attract negative.

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