Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I need some advise on bankruptcy.?

I have about 25k in credit card debt. Use to be about 9500 but after 10 years they are all judgments and with all the interest and fees its about 25k now. About a year and a half ago i had a really nice job was making decent money. I saved about 9000$ so i can try to pay my debt off. Originally on average i owed about 2500 to each of the credit cards i had. I got all my info together and called each of them to try to set up a plan so i could pay them off. Right now discover says i owe about 7k originally 3k, and city says i owe 6.5k originally 2.4k, washington is now about 4.5k originally 1.8k those 3 are my highest and all three wouldn%26#039;t agree for nothing lower then what they say i owe. all others agreed to a very nice settlement. I offered discover 4.5k , city 4k, and Washington about 2.5k to settle. Washington accepted 3k. but city and discover gave me a no and said that if i didn%26#039;t have the full amount they would just garnish my checks till its paid in full. At the time i was off work because my back started to give in. I had the doctor take some x rays and she told me that i had to take physical therapy for my back and should stay away from heavy lifting. Which means i cant do my job no more. So now i am unemployed and well luckily i still had that 9k i saved. Well now i am just fed up with them. I already ran out of money and my brothers and sisters are supporting me and i want to just file for bankruptcy and go to school and get my self a degree in business. Does anyone have any advise you can give me. Thanks in advance.

I also forgot to put this in. My brother was going to help me before when i was working he was willing to put in about 3k on top of my 9k so i could get out of debt. But now hes also low on funds and well i just decided to file for bankruptcy and hes willing to help me pay a lawyer for the process.

Also I am not really worried about the credit score part, i have 6 sisters and 3 brothers and well i learned my lesson and i made sure they learned from my mistakes and they are really thankful for my advise about credit cards lol and bank loans. They all have almost perfect credit scores and i had a big hand in getting them there. My sister offered me a position in a business she is opening and all i have to do is go to school for the position. She was actually the one that tried to negotiate with the credit card company%26#039;s on my behalf and she just told me to file since they wont accept a settlement.

I just want to see how many options are available for a situation like this. So i am open for any suggestions, advise, ect... from respectful people who can understand the situation. If you want to criticize, go right ahead too lol I want to here all your opinions.

The funniest part about this is they all want to settle now that i have no money. LOL I just think thats really funny.

I need some advise on bankruptcy.?

If you are not worried about your credit score, I would file for the bankruptcy and go to school and start working on your future earnings.

To me, it makes no sense to sink the money you have saved into paying off the debt when you can not pay it all off and it will leave you completely broke. The business degree will help you out in the long term by opening better employment chances for you.

However, remember, your credit score it tied to almost EVERYTHING you do, including employment (most of the top reputable companies now, especially in business, run credit background checks as well as criminal ones) so you need to keep that in mind. It does not just have to do with you getting a car loan.

I need some advise on bankruptcy.?

Best to file. They were not interested when you had the money so no need for them to be interested now that you don%26#039;t.

File and go back to school.

I need some advise on bankruptcy.?

advice not advise

I need some advise on bankruptcy.?

I understand your situation.

First, you already have horrible credit. It%26#039;s not going to help you that much to pay these debts off. Also, you need the money to survive.

Call a bankrupty attorney and investigate your options. I think you are a great candidate for Chapter 7, which would discharge all of your credit card debts.

You have to be completely honest with your lawyer and the judge about your assets. It%26#039;s not worth getting into trouble.

Good luck.

I need some advise on bankruptcy.?

I just did a ch. 7 bk, and it was the best thing I could have done. I was sick and tired of making banks richer as I go more poor. They were opening Citibank parks, and different stadiums with the banks names all around me. How do you think I felt seeing the banks take ALL my hard earned money and buying giant sporting event stadiums?? I had no money for food, or anything. I paid these companies 10 times or more over throughout the years. Enough is enough!! I didn%26#039;t care what others said about how awful a bk is, (they are not living my life). I can sleep at night now and pay for everything with cash. The lawyer for my bk. understood I couldn%26#039;t pay for the bk. in full up front, so he took installment payments. Any questions please feel free to email me at Good luck.

I need some advise on bankruptcy.?

Lots of people think that once they閳ユ獫e filed for bankruptcy they will be unable to ever get a loan again, and ultimately they are unable to do anything financial ever again. This isn閳ユ獩 always true, there are%26lt;!--always ways to improve your financial standing, and there are also ways to repair your damaged credit rating.

In fact one of the best ways to improve your credit rating is to refinance your home mortgage, this--%26gt;will help to improve your credit history in a number of different ways.

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