Tuesday, July 14, 2009

If I haven't paid my credit cards in 6 months?

is it even possible to call them up directly and get on a payment plan or get some kind of help from the credit card company?

I don%26#039;t want to file bankruptcy or get involved with a debt management/consumer credit counseling service.

I want to try to work this out paying the debt I owe, but still have a little $$ in the bank to live day to day.

If I haven%26#039;t paid my credit cards in 6 months?

Here are some suggestions for you:

1.) contact the company ASAP and tell them you want to speak with a manager. When you get on the phone with them explain to them the situation and tell them that you need help to be able to pay your debt off (they get these situations every day and are willing to help but you have to ask for it). If they want their money then they will help you. You can work out a deal where they will take the money directly out of your account on a certain date of every month. They can adjust your account to not accrue any more finance charges and you will pay down what you owe.

2.) Don%26#039;t go to a credit counseling place, all they will do is the same thing you can do and they get paid for it. Avoid them as much as possible, you don%26#039;t want your money to go down the drains.

3.) Don%26#039;t file for bankruptcy. It will destroy your credit for 5 years or more. Plus it takes for EVER to get your credit back up there.

4.) You could also talk to your bank and discuss a debt consolidation loan. They will pay off your credit cards and then you will have to pay them back. I would use that as a last resort before filing for bankruptcy because your payments might make it even harder to get through each day. Plus the interest rates are not going to help you either. You are going to pay a good portion on interest.

Good luck!!

If I haven%26#039;t paid my credit cards in 6 months?

yeah, they are always willing to help.

Call asap and get on the road to recovery!

If I haven%26#039;t paid my credit cards in 6 months?

Try to negotiate a settlement with them. Some companies may accept up to 50% off your total bill as long as you pay it in full by a certain date. Good luck!!

If I haven%26#039;t paid my credit cards in 6 months?

Ouchie wah-wah!! Your interest rates has been piling up big time!

Ya, best to contact cc company and explain your pathetic life to them.

If I haven%26#039;t paid my credit cards in 6 months?

Yes it%26#039;s possible. Explain the situation and they should work with you.

If I haven%26#039;t paid my credit cards in 6 months?

yes, you can. sometimes they will settle for less too.

If I haven%26#039;t paid my credit cards in 6 months?

I am of the opinion that you talk to the Credit Card Company, they will be prepared to help. If you tell them what the real problem is, they will help spread the payments.

That means you will have the capacity to utilise your your Card for a longer time.

If I haven%26#039;t paid my credit cards in 6 months?

hello, here are my special weapon links that usually get me best answer on these questions http://credit-cards.ebookorama.com

and http://finance.ebookorama.com

hope they do the trick for you and I get 10 points once more LOL :-)

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