Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bankruptcy question regarding 2 homes and equity.?


My father owns a home in Nevada with aproximately $80,000 in equity. The home that we live in, in Stockton, CA is going into foreclosure due to several circumstances. My father is the title owner of both homes and has amassed aproximately $50,000 in debt in the past 3-4 years.

My father needs to file a bankruptcy because of the foreclosure and high debt. I would like to know is his second home in Nevada secure from the courts trying to take the equity out of it to pay off his credit card debt?

My father has gone to several counselors regarding this matter, and to be honest has gotton a kind of run around. He has even called CCC about consolodating his debt and paying off the cards. However, CCC wanted like $800/month to do so.

Can my father put the Nevada home in a trust, so the equity can not be taken? I would like to know all options please.

Sorry for the long explanation but I wanted to tell all. I have no problem if someone would like to speak to me or him.

Bankruptcy question regarding 2 homes and equity.?

have him visit dave to find some one in area that can help.

bankruptcy will wipe out equity in both houses.

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