Saturday, July 11, 2009

Can a loan affect my chances of a mortgage in the future?


ive managed to get myself in a bit of an awkward situation, i have credit card debts of nearly 鎷?000, which i am just about managing to pay back every month, i have had a few late payments. But now, my car has jus broke down irrepairably and i need to get a new car so that i can do my job. i was considering asking my bank for a loan of 鎷?0000 to firstly wipe off the credit card debt, then to get a car, and also to have a little spare money so that im not struggling to meet repayments every month. I earn 鎷?0000 a year (BEFORE tax) but between rent and bills etc etc, im finding it hard. In my current situation, do you think the bank would loan me this much if i explain what it is for? And also would this affect my chances of gettin a decent mortgage rate in the next couple of years? I know that this is a bad situation that i shouldnt have got into in the 1st place, im just looking for some advice, not to be told how daft i am for having so much debt.

Thank you

Can a loan affect my chances of a mortgage in the future?

To be honest, reading that you have already had late payments, your credit rating will already be affected and this will stay on your record for 6 years, you could try the bank for a loan and as long as you don%26#039;t miss any payments or make any late payments then it wont make that much difference, it also sounds like you cant really afford to scrape a decent deposit together for a mortgage (10%) so chances are that you would end up with a higher interest rate if you passed the credit score, if i were you i would try to get the loan (if you think you can really afford the monthly repayments), pay off all your debts, pay the loan off as soon as possible and then try to save for a deposit.

Can a loan affect my chances of a mortgage in the future?

I don%26#039;t know

Can a loan affect my chances of a mortgage in the future?

if u have steady , secure job your bank may loan u that 10 000. but man, before u pay it back u do not even dream about any house mortgage. what mortgage? u need to get a loan to buy food, how re u going to pay the mortgage? the only option for u is toget way better payed job. 20000 before taxes? and u re thinking about a house? u musta be kidding

Can a loan affect my chances of a mortgage in the future?

If you%26#039;re struggling to pay back 6000 do you think it will be easier to pay back 10000 you%26#039;re dept will just spiral out of control try citizens advice they may be able to help (with advice that is)

Can a loan affect my chances of a mortgage in the future?


My Name Gudge Judge i work as medical doctor here in Netherland.i would like you to know that the only place you can get your loan without stress is YOUNG FIRMLOAN and loan house.there are the only reliable loan company that i would Advice you to do business without.




Can a loan affect my chances of a mortgage in the future?

A loan will be better than having a credit card, as the instrest isn%26#039;t as high, and they won%26#039;t charge as much.

Firstly look around for a good loan at the banks, and see what ones best for u. You can can pay them back over a longer period of time, but beware if u do that as the longer u leave it the more intrset u pay. Still better than what u will pay on a credit card. You might want to look at getting insurance but that will cost u a little bit more, but sometimes it isn%26#039;t worth it.

If you decided to get a loan, sit down and work out what all your out goings are and total it all up. Than work out what what you can work what u can pay on a loan of 10.000. Than if you can pay of some extra of your loan each month. ut back on things that u don%26#039;t need such as, the pub if u go, buying expensive clothes ect.

Can a loan affect my chances of a mortgage in the future?

I would like to suggest you a site where you will be able to know many things about poor credit remortgage, debt consolidation, debt consolidation loans, secured personal loans. The site is as follows:


Can a loan affect my chances of a mortgage in the future?

Hello Every body,

I live in the US and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life as i am a struggling mum with three kids and i have been going through really rough times in my life and my name is Helen Peters and in all this hard times, a worse incident occured in my life as i lost my job which was my only means of survival and things became really bad as i had bills to pay and my last son suffered a knee injury incurred when he fell from a tree house and the doctors informed me that he needed a surgical operation for his knee so he could walk again and at this point, life was useless to me as i have no family and no one to run to and each night, i will sit down and cry till the break of dun until one day, i read an advert on yahoo answers of man that stated that he could help people in my shoes with loans and in my desperate situation, i had no choice but i had to try and so shocking and suprising, it was like an impossibility becoming a reality, i got a loan of $60,000 USD even with my bad credit within 48 hours and my sons surgery was done and thank GOD it was successful and now, i am okay and living in comfort with my kids and i said to my self, i have never ever seen this kind of wonder in my life and i decided i will tell it to the whole wild world and i need every one to thank GOD for Mr Patrick Harvey, the man GOD used to rescue me and my family even when all hope had been lost and gone and i will say to every one, no matter how dark and sinful the world is today, there are still GOD fearing and reliable people on earth and if you are in my former situation or require a loan legitimately, i will advice you contact this loan lender and you can reach him via and i want you all to pray for this man for me.

Can a loan affect my chances of a mortgage in the future?

Hello Dear,

I saw your recent postings on need a loan as well as some financial assistance.

I am currently located in the united kingdom and i would advise you to obtain your loan from a private lender here in the United kingdom where i had obtained my loan from.

I have been scammed before because there are lots of scammers out there waiting to prey on innocent people like you.

They will help you acquire a loan within six working days at a reduced interest rate of 2.0% which is simply great even if your credit score is less than perfect.

Here%26#039;s their contact address:

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