Saturday, July 11, 2009

Can you pray for me?

I am in an awful lot of debt because of college tuition, books, supplies, etc. I don%26#039;t waste my money, but I%26#039;ve had to buy expensive prescriptions (one of my pills alone costs $268 a month. I%26#039;ve started cutting them in half to get 2 months out of it). And I%26#039;m to the point that I have to put groceries and gas on my credit card.

Now I have $7000 on my credit card alone. This doesn%26#039;t even count all the student loans I have.

I%26#039;ve been sick and not able to work as much as I need. Pray that I get well enough to work. And that I can somehow get the money to pay off at least this credit card debt. The monthly payments are getting out of hand.

Can you pray for me?

Write down this phone number and call them. Perhaps they can help you with your prescription costs.

1-888-477-2669 It is also referred to as 1-888-4ppa now. They are a nation wide assistance program for people who cannot afford their cost of prescriptions. They may be able to discount you drastically or even give you your prescreptions at no cost to you at all,depending on your situation.


I lift up this person to you, and ask for your devine intervention in their life. Help them out of their financial crisis. For i ask this only according to Your perfect will. In the precious name of Jesus, amen

Can you pray for me?

May God continue to bless and keep you safe according to His perfect will. Report It

Can you pray for me?

do you tithe?

I know it sounds strange to here this advice but giving to the lord and his works bring financial blessings. I have never been without, and have tithed even when im down and out and God always has taken care of me. Financial burden may be a way that god is using to break bring you to him and into his trust.

Malachi 3

8Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.

9Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.

10Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

Can you pray for me?

May Allah bless you. do not worry, some surprises will take place shortly :)

Can you pray for me?


Can you pray for me?

OF COURSE!! Well ialready did good luck!!

Can you pray for me?

I will pray for you. I am in a similar situation.

Can you pray for me?

I%26#039;ve seen many people in your situation, and have been there one time myself. %26lt;Warm hugs%26gt; Most definitely will pray for you luv..

Can a family member help you some way.

God Bless..

Can you pray for me?

I%26#039;l certainly pray for you, and I%26#039;ll advise that you seek out a debt counsellor. Look into getting extended health care through your college that might cover some of the cost or your meds.

Good luck.

Can you pray for me?

I will definitely pray for you.

Can you pray for me?

oh my goodness I am so sorry! Do you have any kids you have to take care of as well because if you do, not to be rude, but Christmas might be rough! But to answer your question, I will pray for you and will tell my friends and family to pray as well because no one should have to go through this at this time of year and I hope you get better real soon!

Can you pray for me?

ok i did that .

Can you pray for me?

alright dude heres how you solve all your problems. declair bankruptcy and move to canada so you can get canadian citizenship. then you will have free health care and live off of everyone else instead of being independant.

Can you pray for me?

Ok :-)

But you should cut your prescription tablets, it cuts the dosage into half, so you might experience side effects, or it might get worse.

Can you pray for me?

Of course i will. But why dont u apply for medicaid and if you talk to your doc they can lead you to companies that will help ou with prescription cost looks up SP cares and PPA Partenership For Prescription Assistance etc. Find community resources, go to SRS and ask for help find a social worker someone who knows the resources in your community. And i hope the best for u God Bless

Can you pray for me?

I have Prayed for you. God Bless You for having the Faith to ask.

Can you pray for me?

I%26#039;ll pray for you but I%26#039;m confused about my religion right now. I hope whatever god is out there will help you through.

Can you pray for me?

NP, I%26#039;ll pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that you get well.

Can you pray for me?

Hi!! What kind of question is this?? I%26#039;ll pray for you but its you have to pray for yourself.. Only you.. We all go through some type of financial situation some time in our lives but you get through it.. You have to be strong.. Just have faith, belief, and just pray.. Talk to God.. Im really sorry to hear that you%26#039;re sick also.. Can you ask your parents for help?? Im sure they%26#039;ll help you.. Don%26#039;t worry.. Are you working part time?? Thats a big help..

Can you pray for me?

I will pray for you. You also must do your part.

James 5:14Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

15And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

16Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Can you pray for me?

Your in for a very big surprise.

Can you pray for me?

ok ,i did too!!!

Can you pray for me?

I willl pray for you.

You might see if there is a not-for-profit agency willing to help you sort out your finances. They should be free, possibly start through your Church etc.

Can you pray for me?

yes i will pray for you

Can you pray for me?

Yes just did !!!

hey i wuld advise you not to cut the expenses for medicines it will be of no use to you if you don%26#039;t take proper dose of it, Well just try to make a plan to spend your money , try to get a better control of it.Hopefuly you will be able to manage your money properly soon. All the best :)

Can you pray for me?

I offered a prayer for you. One thing I was reminded of in church today is that one needs to live up to the light they have been given otherwise in certain circumstances that are self inflicted God will not reverse their effects. What light have you been given the opportunity to learn? Have you taken that opportunity to learn the information in the Bible? Have you put into practice what you have learned? If so, God will surely deliver you from your situation. If not, God will still help you, but His assistence may not be to relieve you of certain effects of sin. What ever the situation you must maintain your faith in Him that He knows what is best for you and will deal with you in the way that is best for you. Do you have that faith? If not do you know where to get such faith? Faith is a gift from God that you gain by serious study of the Bible on a daily basis.

Can you pray for me?

You need to consolidate your bills into one ... There are many companies out there that do this and are very effective in helping people get out of debt... Also you should call your CC company and demand a lower rate.. Be polite but firm in insisting for a better rate so u can make some progress on payments.. I called mine and did this and was able to bring my 30% APR down to around 12% just because I called and politely yet firmly insisted that they could do better and give me a better deal... Also there are many govt programs that people like u can apply to and receive govt grants.. There are billions of dollars put aside for these programs yet most people don%26#039;t even know they exist.. All it takes is a little research and a positive attitude and most importantly, don%26#039;t give up on yourself and don%26#039;t take any less then u deserve...

And also keep in mind that just about ever person on this planet is in debt and they will be for most if not all of there life so u r not alone....

Remember, your 20%26#039;s are for learning and your 30%26#039;s are for earning...

Keep the faith and u will always be OK!! Now smile and get out there and make things happen!!

Gods speed friend:)

Can you pray for me?

I will pray for you. Have you tried to get in touch with the pharmacutial company that makes your medicine to see if you could receive free medication.Please don%26#039;t cut your medicine in half you need the whole thing.God Bless You

Can you pray for me?

of corse

Can you pray for me?

First off, quit racking of the credit card debt. God wants us to be debt free. Then, check out Crown Financial Ministry under the %26quot;True Financial Freedom%26quot; section. I listen to snipets of this show on the way home from work everyday and I%26#039;ve been knocking my debt down quickly.

Yes, I will pray for you. I pray that God will bless you abundantly. He knows your need and I ask that He will help you in this situation.

Can you pray for me?

Sure, why not. I%26#039;ll pray for you. It will cost you your soul though...

Can you pray for me?

why ? it won%26#039;t work .

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