Saturday, July 11, 2009

How can I determine what the statue of limitations is on each of my bad debts?

I have several bad credit card debts that haven%26#039;t been touched in 6 years. These are open-ended accounts, not written contracts, correct?

If so then I believe the statue of limitations has expired on all the debts UNLESS if one of the banks was based out of Wyoming, where the statue of limitations is 8 years for open-ended accounts.

I%26#039;d like to determine what state each of my credit cards originated from but I%26#039;m not sure how to go about doing this. I do not have any paperwork from 6 years ago and I haven%26#039;t seen my credit report for some time. If I do get a copy of my credit report where will it have all the information I need? Where would be the best place to obtain my credit report while giving the least amount of information?

I haven%26#039;t requested a copy of my credit report because I don%26#039;t want to set off any red flags in case any debts haven%26#039;t expired yet.

How can I determine what the statue of limitations is on each of my bad debts?

Some creditors may write your debt off, but more likely then not, they will sell your debt to a collection agency who will then attempt to collect it, some times they even re-report this debt to the credit bureaus and it will be on your reports past the 7 -10 years that most would normally wipe it off.

How can I determine what the statue of limitations is on each of my bad debts?

Why not call the banks?

How can I determine what the statue of limitations is on each of my bad debts?

Don%26#039;t confuse %26quot;statute of limitations%26quot; (a legal matter) with credit records. They are not the same.

How can I determine what the statue of limitations is on each of my bad debts?

I believe it only matters what teh statute of limitations are in your state. Also, if you at any time made payment arrangemnts or made a payment it restarted the statute of limitations clock all over.

do not listen to the person who just told you to call the banks. its best not to talk them they will try to trick you into aknoledgeing the debt. all you have to do is aknolwdge you owe the debt and it becomes new again. i suggest you get this book im reading right now called %26quot; Solving your money troubles%26quot; by the Nolo press. its written by lawyers and is all about this subject. im having some difficulties myself. Checking your credit report would not reactive the debts . every person is entitled to check thier credit report for free once a year.

How can I determine what the statue of limitations is on each of my bad debts?

Do a search on the net for %26quot; _____ (your state) statute of limitations for credit card collections%26quot;.

That should guide you.

And yes, the previous response is correct - the time line restarts following a payment. Therefore, do not make a payment to stop the collection calls while you find your answer. Again - if you do that - the time starts with your latest payment.

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