Sunday, August 9, 2009

All those people that want credit cards?

that are young and can%26#039;t afford to pay on the cards. Why do you get them? Do you read the fine print before signing up? Do you realize that if you don%26#039;t pay your debt to the credit card company, they will destroy your credit, the ability to get loans for cars, homes. Even a job or an apartment. Help me understand why you do this to yourselves, please!!!!

All those people that want credit cards?

i did it and i regret it, i suppose you apply for one really when it comes in post offering you one i aid to my self just for emergenies but it dont work like that before you know it you owe a large bill and find it hard to pay back i have just finished with mine and i am never going to have one again

All those people that want credit cards?

It is because our public school systems and parents fail to teach the lessons of financial responsibility and, more importantly, the ramifications of irresponsible financial behavior.

All those people that want credit cards?

Theres definately an eliment of %26quot;keeping up with the jones%26#039;s%26quot; these days, young people see the likes of the Beckhams et al with all sorts of designer goods and they want a piece of the pie, unfortuantely this ends up being to thier detrement when they find they cannot pay the money back, I think credit card companies are partly to blame tho, they should have stricter guidelines on who can and cannot get one and definately be stricter with credit limits, when i was 17 I was an out of work student but Barclaycard let me have a credit limit of 鎷?000 of which it took me nearly 5 yrs to pay off....hard work!!

All those people that want credit cards?

It%26#039;s too bad that you folks don%26#039;t have confidence in our young people. A few points: first off having credit card is not a bad thing. It needs to managed correctly, used for the right purposes and used responsibly. Secondly, debt on an overall scale IS A GOOD THING. It is good for the economy and economic growth of our country. Please refer to any economic books.

There are countless companies that are on the stock market and privately held that use debt to better there financial position. You have a %26quot;personal%26quot; financial position and that may require borrowing money.

Credit is one of the most important things regarding your finances and starting early is the best thing you can do.

I think that rather than spending time typing criticizing these young people, I think your time would be better spent directing them to some literature to help be responsible with using credit. There are many classes that can be taken for financial learning as well.

I just think that you guys have a bad approach, take it or leave it.

All those people that want credit cards?

Perfect Question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Each and every coin has two sides. Like that there is a good and bad side of a credit.

I dont know what your age is but i think you are new to credit and you dont have a knowledge of What the Credit is?

Good Credit will always helps you to get the loans at lower interest rate and it is still depend upon the FICO score you got.

Bad Credit will affect adversely in the case above may be you will denied to have a loan and may be you will not get a job in the company who checks your credit and hire you for the job. If you have lower FICO score you will get higher interest loans and you will pay much more than the one with a good credit.

Above 94% of the individuals not read the Cardmember terms and agreements that comes in Fine Print. The reason behind this is they dont care too much initially when they are new to credit. Some of the terms and conditions you will not able to ammend with the agreement you sign up with the company. And overall the company keeps the right to change any Clause at any times without giving any reason behind it. This is the reason the people do not read the Cardmember agreement and terms of use of the credit.

Credit card companies nowadays very aggressive for the credit line they give to the individuals. They will try to get maximum money from you if you are default in payments with them. The best you can do in this case is to file a bankruptcy and get the reid of the Credit card bills. This will distroy your credit score and it will bring it to the lowest mark where you start your credit. But still you have a plenty of chance to make your credit good in long run.

All those people that want credit cards?

In my country thoes who apply credit card has to have a proper income or work to get the card . maybe some country don%26#039;t have the system, the requitment in my country to get a credit card is not easy as doing nothing

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