Sunday, August 9, 2009

I haven't used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn't look much differ

I was getting into more debt than I wanted so I consolidated my cards onto one with 0 APR and have been slowly paying at it for the past year. Yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look any different!!! I just got a new, better paying job, and am making 3X the minimum payment. I feel like it will never be paid off!!

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

I know what you mean I%26#039;ve struggled with the same thing. Usually the 0 percent is introductory then they jack it up after 6 months or a year. Maybe you could call and ask for a lower rate.

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

Welcome to the world of credit cards. Total rip off!!

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

yeah im sorry you feel into that trap consolt a lawyer get him/her to read the fine print

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

The way that credit card companies make money is off the interest.

If you%26#039;re not paying your card in full, the remaining charges are simply going to carry over and accumulate interest, just digging a deeper hole.

If you can, try to hold off on spending for a while, and make a payment in full to get you back on track.

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

that is thanks to high interest rates...

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

interest accrual unfortunately

pay more than the minimum amount due

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

credit cards r a ripe off

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

Welcome to the world of debt. Credit Cards are HORRID. They come directly from satan%26#039;s womb.

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

Avoid using credit cards ever if at all possible!

Only buy what you can afford at the time to keep yourself out of debt.

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

Make sure you are paying the finance charge along with the minimum payment , it will take a while but eventually it will go down to zero , hopefully in your lifetime :)).

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

You don%26#039;t say how much debt you but yeah that%26#039;s how it is. maybe the transferred balances were introductory APR%26#039;s. Get serious for a year, live like a monk and get off credit cards. Check out for help.

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

You might better check your bill - make sure the 0% rate hasn%26#039;t expired, or has been canceled due to any number of reasons the credit card companies can think up.

Typically the minimum payment is only 2%, so by paying triple that, you are paying 6% each month. At this rate, and with no interest, it would take 17 months to pay it in full.

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

If they payments have been on time you should see some difference. Something that helps me feel better about my credit card debit is going back and looking at the past statements and seeing how much it was and that it is going down. Credit card debit does majorly suck and feels like a gorilla on you back more than any other kind of debt. Just be patience and deligent and keep paying as much as you can. One day you will get it paid off and that is a wonderful feeling.


Too bad we can all have Mr. Hilton as our dad

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

It is very difficult to pay of a credit card just stick to it and work out your interest every month Banks sometimes overcharge you

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

Probbaly cause of your interest. I would call the company you have it with and complain and ask questions.

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

Your %26quot;0 APR%26quot; may be an %26quot;Introductory rate.%26quot;

Read the %26quot;fine%26quot; print.%26quot; %26lt;}:-{(

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

If it%26#039;s a 0% rate and you are paying it then it has to be going down.

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

Are you sure the 0% is still in effect? According to the original offer, it may seem like it should be, but they can jack up your interest rate for almost any reason. Check your statements, see if they are adding any fees, etc.

I haven%26#039;t used my credit card for almost a year.. yet the balance doesn%26#039;t look much different!!!?

well how do u want it to look diffrent if u havent used it duh dont ask dum questions

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