Thursday, August 6, 2009

Alright I have this credit card and and I need some advice, situation follows?

It has gone to a collections agency so I guess what I%26#039;m wondering what is the best route to take. I%26#039;ve heard of people getting all the interest removed or reduced and then paid the remaining amount off with a reasonable payment plan. When I speak with these people what approach do I take and are there key words or phrases? Total debt amount is not that bad, like $1400 but it seems that they do want it due to all the phone calls, useful input is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Alright I have this credit card and and I need some advice, situation follows?

Don%26#039;t get angry or offensive with them, then they just clam up and demand the whole amount in full. Explain that you had some financial problems, you were young and dumb and want to make it right.

If you are able to make payments, let them know how much you are capable of paying per month. If they push you for more, tell them you don%26#039;t want to end up back in the same situation.

If you have a lump sum of cash.... say $1000.00, offer them a settlement. Ask that they send you the settlement in writing, signed by a supervisor stating that they will remove this debt from your credit report. You will send them the $ when you have the signed document.

Good luck.

Alright I have this credit card and and I need some advice, situation follows?

I would tell them..

%26quot; If you give me 3 more months to pay, I will let you *** me up the azzhole%26quot;

Alright I have this credit card and and I need some advice, situation follows?

Stephanie%26#039;s advice was spot on, but for one item....

if you pay them a lump sum settlement, the will not %26quot;remove%26quot; it from your credit, they%26#039;ll just change it from whatever it is now to %26quot;settled for less than balance owed%26quot;

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