Sunday, August 9, 2009

Has anyone personally contacted Credit Card companies...?

prior to collection; This is a legitimate question. Is there a department within the CC company(s) that have the authority, ability (and desire) to offer a reduction and

resolution of the outstanding account? I have become disabled; one of the major CC companies that I had Disability Insurance for--immediately sent the account to collection when I sent in the claim for Disability payment. I have 3 accounts, 2 pretty large, would like to somehow settle but it would have to be for substantially less than owed. The issues have escalated over the last 3 or so months; the late fees and %26quot;over the limit%26quot; charges (from late fees, etc); have greatly increased the balances. Yes, the phone calls are unbearable; I am afraid to answer my phone, but also know I must address this issue somehow. Please do not forward this to any debt agencies.

Has anyone personally contacted Credit Card companies...?

unfortunately, the only way that I know of to lower the debt is to wait.. and they will send you an offer. but by then the debt has been forwarded to your credit report already.

The companies by law are supposed to work with you, but they just, as you put it %26quot;belittle%26quot; you. Keep trying to call them,

call the number on the back of your credit card and ask to speak to someone about it,and if they don%26#039;t help ask to speak to someone else, or simply hang up and call back, eventually someone that is a little less abusive should answer your questions. I%26#039;m sorry I can%26#039;t help you more.

best of luck to you!

Has anyone personally contacted Credit Card companies...?

Every card company is different. When I worked for Macy%26#039;s Credit Customer Service we had an internal %26quot;collection department%26quot; that could handle any account up to 180 days past due, at which point it was charged off and sent to a collection agency.

Our %26quot;collection%26quot; department was always supposed to be very friendly to the customer since we still owned the account and did not want to lose the customer. There were several payment plans offered as well and the agents could negotiate lower interest rates and even settle the debt for less.

That is how it worked with Macy%26#039;s, not sure what the other companies have.

Has anyone personally contacted Credit Card companies...?

If you miss so many payments ...some credit card companies will offer you settlements on the account. The amount of missed payments can be different with different credit card companies. However by missing payments you will hurt your credit report. But doing the settlement would at least get the credit card company out of your hair. It%26#039;s kind of like picking the lesser of 2 evils. Good Luck!

Has anyone personally contacted Credit Card companies...?

Hello, Elle A. You should keep calling until you are sure that you have reached someone who can help you at the card company. If you are persistent you will probably find someone who can help you and you can probably arrange workable payments if you can%26#039;t have an actual reduction in your debt.

Collection agents are forbidden by law (I think) from harassing debtors. Use the Net and your phone until you find someone to listen to your complaint about belittling.

Be polite but firm. (That is a good rule for nearly all interpersonal exchanges. Yelling just makes people defensive and upsets you as well.)



If you feel you are being unfairly treated, you may even want to contact a state or national Rep. or Senator.

Be persistent. Use the Net... I%26#039;m new to it but...what a resource!

The next time you are harassed by a collector tell him or her that you are recording the call because you feel intimidated and harassed. Use the term harassed.

They will probably calm down.

If you have a similar debt problem in the future call the company immediately! It%26#039;s easier for everybody.

It is wrong that you are being treated poorly, but, to be fair, these aren%26#039;t charities who can read your mind. Let them know that you are having problems and that you intend to retire your debt. You just need time and perhaps smaller payments.

I sincerely hope this helps.

Keep laughing.

Keep people in suspense about...

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