Thursday, August 6, 2009

Being sued by a credit card company?

I have tried to make a payment arrangement with the CC company, but they won%26#039;t. Now an attorney has summons me to court in behalf of the CC company. Once I go to court, will the attorney try and work out a deal with me before it goes before the judge? My story: I had lost my job and couldn%26#039;t make the payments. I contacted the CC company and told them that I could make $100 a month payments, but they refused. They said that I had to make the minimum payment. I asked them to stop the overlimit fees and the late fees, but they refused. I went thru a Debt Settlement company and it is working well, except for this one particualr CC company. I would like advice on how to come out of this intact. I can%26#039;t afford to have 25% of my income garnished. I wouldn%26#039;t be able to pay the bills I am obligated to now.

Being sued by a credit card company?

Check out this site. This guy knows what he is talking about. Call him if you can. From what I understand you need to send them what you told them you can. If they reject it you are under no obligation. If they accept it then to they have to honor what you pay and can not take you to court. Pay anything, even if it if $5.00 a month. You have to be consistent though. As for your situation right now send them the $100 as soon as you can. Like I said, If they send it back you are under no obligation to pay them.

Being sued by a credit card company?

contact your own lawyer, they may be doing something illegal to you

Being sued by a credit card company?

Screw em bankruptcy.

Being sued by a credit card company?

good job, go shopping . that makes me feel better when i%26#039;m up to my ears with debt

Being sued by a credit card company?

Yikes...I can%26#039;t believe the company won%26#039;t work with you...

Bankruptcy is an option you might want to talk to a lawyer about.

Being sued by a credit card company?

It%26#039;s quite possible that they will submit it to a collection agency and you will be responsible for paying it through them. Credit card companies general will be flexible with payment however it depends on the amount that is owed to them. If it is a large amount, a collection agent might be coming your way.

Being sued by a credit card company?

whoa...your credit is forever;ll need a good lawyer for this and credit/debt counselling to learn how to control your spending

Being sued by a credit card company?

Go to court and explain to the judge what you just said. The judge could make them deal with you and accept the payments you could make. Also contact a lawyer for more specific advice.

Being sued by a credit card company?

since you are offering to pay, i don%26#039;t think that what they are doing is right. contact a lawyer that specializes in this. Good Luck...those companies always try to screw people over...

Being sued by a credit card company?

Get an attorney...they can stop the harassment and get it settled for you. CC companies are horrible for that. If it does go to court, they will try to work things out before seeing a judge. If you get an attorney, they will do all the fist fighting for you. In the long run, if you let the company do all they say they will do, eventually they give up and will write your bill off. They only try for so long and then they give up. Sure it will end up on your credit report....but the headache stops. Id get an attorney.

Being sued by a credit card company?

Wow that is really serious but u need to check that CC company out because i don%26#039;t know of any CC company that would turn down a payment from u and tell u that u can%26#039;t pay $100 u have to pay the minium thatz crazy.U need to get that company checked out something sounds funny to me....

Being sued by a credit card company?

if you dont have a job, and you cant afford the payments on credit cards and you have not used them within the last 90 days, you might be able to file for bankrupcy. The bad thing is that it does stay on your credit for the next 10 years, but it will eliminate the debt, because not paying credit cards and letting them go to loss (even after it is understood that you want to make the payments) it will affect your credit as well and you will still have the burden of the debt over your head. Just an idea.

Being sued by a credit card company?

Contact a lawyer. I%26#039;m not positive, but I think it is illeagal (sp?) for anyone to refuse a payment. I am under the impression that if they refuse payment, you are not obligated to pay them anything. Like I said, contact a lawyer, most do not charge for the inital consult. Good luck

Being sued by a credit card company?

They can garnishee your wages and take your car or anything of value. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the only solution I can see.

Being sued by a credit card company?

You need to speak to an attorney as well as a reputable money manager. It would appear your credit is already shot. Perhaps filing for BK would be a solution. Though, it should only be a very LAST solution if there is any possibility you can get through this.

You mentioned that your minimum payment is over $100 per month. That means you must owe them a large sum. You can start selling things off and down size your living situation if you can. None of this is going to be any fun, and I don%26#039;t mean to sound unsympathetic, I just know from first hand experience. We [I am married] were in your situation. We sold off everything we were not using and did not need, we made do with one car, made due with the clothes we had for awhile, and most improtantly we stopped eating out! Eating out is very expensive, we took lunch to work, etc. We lived like this for almost 2 years,--I wont lie, it sucked, but we paid off our bills and kept our, we do not use credit cards.

Being sued by a credit card company?

contact a settlement company, I assume that the credit card comapany giving you such a hard time is citicorp/at%26amp;t, they got a law passed that they do not have to deal with debt management programs. settlement companies save up your money in an account under your name and work out a settlement amount to pay off your account. citicorp/at%26amp;t are at this time starting to work with these companies, all the peeps that had them on debt management programs have had to switch to these companies because they got booted out of the other programs. They will not have a choice but to start accepting these settlements because just because they got the law passed to not have to work with debt management programs does not change the fact that the peeps who were on them still cannot pay their bills!!! here is one I know of.

good luck!!

Being sued by a credit card company?

Your not bankrupt, just scared. Yes you do need a lawyer. Go to Dave Ramsey%26#039;s web site. He talks to 100 people a day who are in the exact same situation your in.

Don%26#039;t take advice from broke people or you%26#039;ll end up broke!

Being sued by a credit card company?

I very strongly suggest you continue to minimize your payments into one lump sum, and don%26#039;t EVER apply for another credit card in your LIFE. They will sabotage your life, and you%26#039;ll be lucky if you can keep your head above water while this lawsuit pans out.

Usually, cc companies only act this way when they%26#039;ve sent you numerous notices, and you%26#039;re waaaay behind on your payments. You must have a lot of debt if your minimum monthly payment is $100.

I truly feel for you. I have refused to get involved with credit cards for this very reason. I have self control, too, but I don%26#039;t want my life ruined by some ridiculous entity that acts as a money-making machine due to people%26#039;s inability to control their spending urges.

Being sued by a credit card company?

don%26#039;t be afraid to go in front of the the judge, but be prepared to prove , that you tried to make your best effort to find the solution for this situation and to be ones with you what other options your CC have? not accept any payments from you and not getting any money?

i thing that they will work with you on this payment plan.

Being sued by a credit card company?


people in debt often seem to find some help here :

and here

also plenty more to read here

good luck!

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