Thursday, August 6, 2009

Anyone seen "Maxed Out", the new documentary that rips credit card companies apart?

I%26#039;m told Dave Ramsey is in it. I%26#039;ve not seen it. America has a very real debt problem so this movie interests me.

Anyone seen %26quot;Maxed Out%26quot;, the new documentary that rips credit card companies apart?

Credit card companies are partly to blame. They have VERY shady practices. They will do everything they are legally able to do to extract every dollar out of you. That being said, people are idiots with their credit cards. People in general have no idea how to use them and get THEMSELVES in trouble. It is a 2 way street, it is just easier for people to blame the credit card companies instead of themselves.

Anyone seen %26quot;Maxed Out%26quot;, the new documentary that rips credit card companies apart?

No, but the credit card companies are not to blame. Ignorant people are the only ones to blame for getting themselves in debt.

Anyone seen %26quot;Maxed Out%26quot;, the new documentary that rips credit card companies apart?

America has a very real debt problem simply because most people refuse to live within their means. This is not the fault of the credit card companies.

Anyone seen %26quot;Maxed Out%26quot;, the new documentary that rips credit card companies apart?

i 閳?dave ramsey!!! he rox my sox off! if he%26#039;s in it, it is prolly good...

but i do agree with Zandelia 100% too

Anyone seen %26quot;Maxed Out%26quot;, the new documentary that rips credit card companies apart?

I agree that credit card companies are not to blame. People just need to use them wisely.

Guys like Dave Ramsey want everyone to believe you are helpless against the advertising of credit card companies. I have bought almost everything on credit cards since I was 20-years old. I just pay the balance in full every month.

I am now 47. Own my home free and clear. Have a LOT of retirement saved up. Have no debt. And buy EVERYTHING from groceries to furnature to vacations on my credit card. I never pay any interest.

Credit cards are great if you use them to your advantage.

Dave Ramsey is correct about living below your means and not running up debt. But he is selling a load of crap with the credit cards and all his %26quot;endorsed paid provider%26quot; crap. He%26#039;s a great pitch-man.

Anyone seen %26quot;Maxed Out%26quot;, the new documentary that rips credit card companies apart?

Someone e-mailed his show and he confirmed he is in it.

Debt starts at the top- think the government. Our national debt is so high that my grand or great-grandchildren will be still paying for this mess.

Credit card companies, pay day loan places, HELOC have great advertising and people aren%26#039;t TAUGHT by their PARENTS to be responsible and have delayed gratification by SAVING. So people like Dave Ramsey, Crown Financial, etc make up the slack. I think Dave is great, I think Crown is great.

Credit card/loan companies are selling a product- debt (which comes with worry, uncertainty, etc). Dave Ramsey is selling a product - common sense, the future, less stress, peace, responsibility, etc.

Credit card companies are to blame for giving out credit to people that have no means to pay it back. Just like pay day loan companies are to blame to the poorest of the poor in our society. Are they both legal, sure. Are they both moral, no. But both have a lot of money to change the norms of the society to believe they MUST have credit to SURVIVE!! As for all of the people that say %26quot;they use the credit card for everything and pay it off,%26quot; good for you but that is norm that didn%26#039;t exist 30 years ago. Your parents and grandparents and great-grandparents would be appalled by the every day use of credit.

I am interested in the movie too.

Anyone seen %26quot;Maxed Out%26quot;, the new documentary that rips credit card companies apart?

I%26#039;m looking forward to see that movie !

Don%26#039;t forget credit is a tool, and if you%26#039;re using it wisely, it can help you a lot.

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