Thursday, August 6, 2009

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable

I know a %26quot;friend%26quot; whose wife applied for multiple %26quot;joint%26quot; credit cards and ran them up, he didn%26#039;t even know they existed until he started investigating due to their divorce. Now he%26#039;s finding out that she%26#039;s also got accounts in %26quot;her%26quot; name with with %26quot;his%26quot; social security number on them. Some are paid off and others have thousands on the balance. Is there some way to get clear of these fraudulant accounts? Or is stuck because they were %26quot;joint%26quot; even though the other 1/2 of the %26quot;joint%26quot; account holder didn%26#039;t even know they existed? Also, she had him placed on as an authorized user on many others.

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable for debt?

sounds like identity theft and fraud, jail time for someone

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable for debt?

depends on your state...In Texas---we are a community property state and yes both are responsible for any debts incurred while LEGALLY MARRIED.

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable for debt?

if they are joint accounts, it is joint debt whether he knows it or not, but I would think she would be getting stuck with them during a divorce if he can prove he didn%26#039;t know about them

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable for debt?

Ia m not sure about the legality, but that is certainly very dishonest.

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable for debt?

Yes a wife OR husband CAN get credit cards with her husbands social secruity, and yes the other part is equally liable for payment whether they knew about the credit cards or nto.

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable for debt?

Ooh, she really screwed him, yes both will be responsible, unless he can prove she forged his signature, but inevitably this is going to affect his bank account!

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable for debt?

Did they ever hear of Identity theft?

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable for debt?

I think he%26#039;s stuck....most married people have to show both incomes (or his only if she doesn%26#039;t work) when applying for credit. In the divorce, if he can show that the debts were hers alone, then he might be able to walk away from them (make her pay) although it will be apart of his credit for now.

It would be interesting to know if there was anything that needed to be signed in acknowlegement that his SSN# was being used. If she signed for him, without the proper power of attorney forms, she might be in trouble that way....

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable for debt?

Yeah he%26#039;s basically hosed. He can declare bankruptcy. That%26#039;s basically what she%26#039;s done to the both of them.

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable for debt?

Though this scenerio happens often, the one who does it is crossing so many legal lines IF the one whos%26#039; name they are using ever decided to take action they would be in DEEP Trouble !!! ID theft, mail fraud,etc....... that is just to name a few... This person, because you use the words MANY OTHERS, sounds as if there is a BIG problem here and HELP is needed...... Ppl that do this might as well rob a bank or steal TV%26#039;s or cars........ Fraud and theft is just that no matter how it is done !!!!!!!!!!!! God bless

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable for debt?

if there no signature of his on any of the paperwork, he%26#039;s not responsible for them. in the same way that if someone steals your id and gets a loan or fraudulenty obtains goods in your name, you are not responsible. You are not responsible for another persons actions even if on the face of it they implicate you as well, the only thing to watch out for is if you did agree to one of them cos then even if she ran up the debts you are both %26#039;jointly and severely liable (that means they%26#039;ll come after both of you no matter what the details)

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable for debt?

Laws differ from state to state. Credit card companies have policies that govern their conduct as well. Nowadays it%26#039;s harder to resolve than ever. Generally it would have to be proven in court that the co-owner of an account showed interest in the account, as in making purchases for goods or services. If there are none and there%26#039;s no signature on the application for credit with each of the credit card companies he may have a case. Still the credit card companies are exempt from speaking to anyone but the cardholders themselves, so it%26#039;s difficult at best to absolve oneself from responsibility of the debt.

Can a wife apply for credit with her husbands social security number and not tell him? Is he liable for debt?

Yes, the Wife can apply for credit, using her husband%26#039;s social security, number. is he liable for the debt, I do not think so, because she applied for them under false pretenses, so he can opt, out in paying for the debt she incurred under his name. All he needs to do is call the credit card company, and they will be able to send some papers that he needs to sign, and I am sure he does not have to pay any debt his wife incurred under his name.

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