Thursday, August 6, 2009

Is it true if a credit card co continues to call you to demand payment after you have come to a mont

already, you can sometimes get the debt cancelled, for harrasment?

Is it true if a credit card co continues to call you to demand payment after you have come to a monthly plan?

If a credit card company, or any other bill collector, breaks the law, you can sue and win damages.

This happens all the time.

Good luck.

Is it true if a credit card co continues to call you to demand payment after you have come to a monthly plan?

I don%26#039;t think so, but you have to make it clear that you have an agreement, some departments don%26#039;t tell others, good luck with it.

Is it true if a credit card co continues to call you to demand payment after you have come to a monthly plan?

You could get a lawyers letter sent to them to stop the harrasment as this is against the law BUT it would not get your debt cancelled.

Is it true if a credit card co continues to call you to demand payment after you have come to a monthly plan?

Wishful thinking, I%26#039;m afraid. Just tell them to read their notes properly, note that you%26#039;ve made arrangements and stop harassing you. As already said, quite often there%26#039;s just a mess-up in the records where someone hasn%26#039;t made the necessary note.

Is it true if a credit card co continues to call you to demand payment after you have come to a monthly plan?

Your question is not specific. Do you mean a bank put you in a special plan lowering interest rates, and minimum payment for a certain amt. of time many banks have that. If they are calling you, after you went in that program and you probably violated one of the rules of the program, most likely being late on a payment while in the plan.

Are you talking about a collection agency? Your debt cannot be cancelled for harassment but if you make a complaint to the attorney general or federal trade commission and the agency fines the collection agency or bank, you can get a piece of the fine, or the whole fine. However the way you phrase your question indicates you do not understand this industry.

For the question in general, no a debt cannot be cancelled because of calling you. Very simple, if you don%26#039;t want calls just write a letter to the creditor, certified return receipt requested and ask them to no longer call you to communicate with you by mail only. This applies to 3rd party reps for collections of debts, but the banks use it as their guidelines for collections. You won%26#039;t be getting any more calls, but it doesn%26#039;t mean you won%26#039;t be getting any more bills, for sure you will keep getting the bills, and if you don%26#039;t pay on time, letters, plenty of letters reminding you.......but no calls. Hope this helps.

Is it true if a credit card co continues to call you to demand payment after you have come to a monthly plan?


(ANS) The real answer is NOP! if you have made a debt repayment plan or schedule in agreement with the credit card company then you still have to pay back the amount you owe.

NOTE: Debts DON%26#039;T get canceled even after 5,6 or 10 or 12 years.

**Also NOTE: If you fail to make the agreed payments %26amp; default on your agreement with the CC company they will just pass on your debt (sell your debt) to a debt recovery company. Then your life will be hell, debt recovery companies only make their money by recovering the debt and they will hassle and hound you day and night until you pay back the funds.

**Sadly, the law is more weighted in favor of the CC company %26amp; debt recovery company than the debtor, at least you wont end up in debtors prison like in the 17th century.

**If you are in over your head I would advise that you contact one of the free debt advise organizations which are :- a) CAB (citizens advise bureau) or b) Debt advise line and finally c) CCCS the consumer credit counseling service which are a free national charity, they also have a website with contact details if you run a quick web search.

Hope thats useful?

Kind Regards Ivan

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