Thursday, August 6, 2009

Do you have a credit card?

are you in debt yet?

Do you have a credit card?

Well last time I was trying to buy a credit card at the liquor store but they said they don%26#039;t sell any. I went to a different store and they all said they don%26#039;t sell any. Frustrated, I went to the pawn shop and asked if they sell credit cards. They gave me a card and I was so happy. The next day I got arrested for credit card theft. It was a good day.

Do you have a credit card?

yes... and no.

Do you have a credit card?


Do you have a credit card?

I have one, but I am currently over my limit :(

Do you have a credit card?

nope... and no thank you is my answer when they offer me one

Do you have a credit card?

Yes and YES

Do you have a credit card?



Do you have a credit card?

yes %26amp; no

Do you have a credit card?

have 2 of them

Do you have a credit card?


Do you have a credit card?

No. Credit cards are the tool of the devil!

Do you have a credit card?

the bank tried to give me one about 2 yrs ago and i turn them down.

Do you have a credit card?

yes and i am in debt

Do you have a credit card?

nope and that why i dont have one.

Do you have a credit card?

i%26#039;d like to meet all these people with credit cards who arent in debt.

Do you have a credit card?

yes and yes, but its managable and only b/c my hubby had some medical probs during a lack of insurance so we HAD to use it!

Do you have a credit card?

No,I only use a debit. The interest rates on credits are exorbitant. I sometimes think it%26#039;s all the devil%26#039;s work,those Mastercards and whatnot. Plastic. I never did like plastic.

Do you have a credit card?

yes and no

Do you have a credit card?


Do you have a credit card?

yes and no

just finished high school and going to university so i need a card for my parents to send me some money lol cuz I will need it

Do you have a credit card?

Had several and YES! Now I just say...%26quot;No thank you%26quot;..Credit cards of the work of something evil......

Do you have a credit card?

I have 3 credit cards, and it%26#039;s considered %26#039;debt%26#039; when you owe money (such a car, mortage, tuition, credit cards...)so yes. But I%26#039;m not in debt as in im behind on payment.

Do you have a credit card?

no, i only use debit. my parents taught me to never be in debt.

Do you have a credit card?

I have a debit card that works like a credit card. Does that count?

Do you have a credit card?


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