Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What are the chances of me being taken to court over an unpaid credit card?

total debt is less than $4000.00

What are the chances of me being taken to court over an unpaid credit card?

I have not been taken to court over my cards and they are less than 4,000.00. I would get calls like crazy though.

My sister-in-law was filed against in court for her credit card though. That is the first time I have heard of someone actually having to do so.

What are the chances of me being taken to court over an unpaid credit card?

If it is Discover Card.... a VERY good chance....

Almost ANY major credit card will take you to court.... ESPECIALLY if you own a house. They will garnish your wages and put a lean on the house until the debt is cleared or you file Chaper 7 or 13...... trust me.... if you ignore the phone calls... and you have anything of value... they will NOT go away.

If you do not own anything.... they will more then likely claim the debt as a loss and sell the account off to a collection agency who will then try to get a percentage of the debt from you by harassing you with phone calls and letters.

I ignored the phone calls and letters until Discover stepped up to the plate and filed a hearing to put a lean on my house. My debt was due to a failing business and I ended up having to file bankruptcy....

If you do not own anything of value... and do not have a job... i guess you could move without a forwarding address and change your phone number (to get them to leave you alone)....however, they may track down your relatives and call them (Sallie Mae did that to me) then wait 7 years or so until it is off your credit to reapply for more credit....

What are the chances of me being taken to court over an unpaid credit card?

The 4 grand yeah you maybe CC companies have staff lawyers who are paid if they win or not! So 4 thousand you might be! Also you probably won%26#039;t be able to get another card in ya name!

What are the chances of me being taken to court over an unpaid credit card?

You should at least try to pay the mininum payment, or not then call the creditor and see if you and them can come up with a plan.

What are the chances of me being taken to court over an unpaid credit card?

Check what the limit is for small claims court in your area. If they take you to court, that%26#039;s the court they have to use. Yup, they do it. Then they garnish your bank account or your paycheck (if they find out where you work).

If you go to court over something like this, do not give info about where you work. I took my income tax returns for the two previous years and showed I%26#039;d made less than $8,000 per year which is why I couldn%26#039;t make payments. They still got the judgment, but didn%26#039;t garnish my bank account until 3 years later.

What are the chances of me being taken to court over an unpaid credit card?

Tell me about it, I know what it is like to have debts, been there. Your creditors could issue a county court summons to recover the outstanding amount. You would then need to complete forms and basically state how much you can reasonably afford to clear it. You should then stick to the arrangement, if not, as well as more costs added on they could issue a warrant. Seek advise there is lots of help out there.

Good luck!!

What are the chances of me being taken to court over an unpaid credit card?

Very high! They WILL take you to court and garnishee your wages. I know too many people that they had done this too and payments are generally $100/ week. They will not mess around with you on debt. You better be calling them and negotiating and lower interest or balance. Call them and see if there is anything they are willing to do before you get hosed.

What are the chances of me being taken to court over an unpaid credit card?

Very high! Garnished wages, any bank accounts foreclosed.


Consumer Conseling Credit Services organization. Is paid for by the credit card industry to help you re-manage your debt.

This place should be non-profit. Don%26#039;t pay extra fees unless agreed upon.

Start making payments. Minimum payments, for now.

What are the chances of me being taken to court over an unpaid credit card?

I have two discover cards and a citibank visa that I didnt pay on for a year, totalling about $8000.00. They didnt garnish my wages and they didnt take me to court. They did turn me over to collection agencies who listed my cards as charge-off%26#039;s on my credit report. That hurts bad! I finally wised up after a year and called Family credit counseling corp. They are a non-profit organization that will work with your creditors to settle on a monthly payment you can afford. They will also stop all fees from being charged.

What are the chances of me being taken to court over an unpaid credit card?

I have never heard of anybody being took to court over a credit card bill! I doubt they will take you to court. I know alot of people who owe over $10,000 or more on credit cards and never pay. My friend had 2 credit cards that she had 5 years ago and never payed them off and she never got took to court. I would just try to pay a little at a time and attempt to pay them off.

What are the chances of me being taken to court over an unpaid credit card?

it%26#039;s easier for them to send the proper people at your door and let them deal with you directly.

people in debt often seem to find some help here :

and here

good luck!

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